Remote BCBA Supervisor Database
Are you seeking a BCBA Supervisor for remote fieldwork supervision or BCBA mentorship? If your current workplace does not offer supervision, or you're looking to supplement in-house supervision with additional hours, you're in the right place!
The following list contains supervisors who offer virtual BCBA supervision and/or mentorship. It's broken down by state of licensure to help you locate a supervisor who holds licensure in your state, if applicable. Supervisors who work in a state that does not require licensure & do not hold licensure in other states are located in the Non-Licensed BCBA Section toward the end.
Important note: If your state does not have licensure requirements mandating that your supervisor be licensed in your state, you should be able to choose any supervisor, regardless of where they're located. Discuss this further with supervisors who you're interested in working with. You can learn more about state licensure here.
Disclaimers: This is informational only. ABA Resource Center does not necessarily endorse any of these companies or supervisors. Please do your due diligence in selecting a supervisor, ensuring they are board certified, qualified to supervise, have the necessary state licensure (if applicable), and can meet your individual needs.
Also, please note that supervision rates may be subject to change and this database is not always guaranteed to be updated as changes are made.
SUPERVISORS: Want to get added to our supervision database? Sign up here!

Arizona Licensed Supervisors
Hannah Perez
Contact Information
States Licensed in:
Email Address:
Supervision Rate:
Additional Information:
Cathryn Swoger
Contact Information
States Licensed in:
Email Address:
Arizona, New York, Nebraska
Supervision Rate:
Additional Information:
Extensive in schools and clinics from ages 4-21.
Holly Collinsworth
Contact Information
States Licensed in:
Email Address:
Arizona, Oklahoma, Texas
Supervision Rate:
Additional Information:
Supervision includes study prep and mentorship.
Spectrum Education Center
Contact Information
States Licensed in:
Email Address:
Arizona, New York, North Carolina
Supervision Rate:
Additional Information:
Also licensed in NC & NY
Cheyenne Cody da Rosa
Contact Information
States Licensed in:
Email Address:
Supervision Rate:
$55-$75/hour (packaged bundles available)
Additional Information:
Cheyenne is an experienced BCBA working across settings including mental health, school-based, in-home, and clinical services as well as administrative quality assurance in ABA.
Connecticut Licensed Supervisors
Julio Ruiz, Arrow Behavioral Associates
States Licensed in:
Supervision Rate:
Contact Information
Email Address:
Additional Information:
Sarai Melendez
States Licensed in:
Connecticut, New York
Supervision Rate:
Contact Information
Email Address:
Additional Information:
Lindsay Aslan
States Licensed in:
Connecticut, New York
Supervision Rate:
Contact Information
Email Address:
Additional Information:
Located in New Jersey
Georgia Licensed Supervisors
Taylor Wilde
Contact Information
States Licensed in:
Supervision Rates:
Additional Information:
Spectrum Education
Contact Information
States Licensed in:
Supervision Rates:
Additional Information:
Services Florida
Jenie Scheiter Nowak
Contact Information
States Licensed in:
Georgia, Maryland, North Carolina, Texas, Washington
Supervision Rates:
Additional Information:
Jenie helps frustrated and overwhelmed ABA trainees in non-Autism settings
Achieve 80% or more Unrestricted Hours with her “7 dimensions-ABA everything-OBM” approach.
Abby Kay
Contact Information
States Licensed in:
Supervision Rates:
Additional Information:
$220/mo for maximum hours/$425/mo for maximum concentrated hours
Indiana Licensed Supervisors
Abigail Niemeier, Tag Along Behavior Consulting
Contact Information
States Licensed in:
Indiana, Kentucky
Supervision Rate:
Email Address:
Additional Information:
Iowa Licensed Supervisors
Dr. Aléna Barosa, Barosa Learning Lab
States Licensed in:
Iowa, Kentucky, North Carolina, Texas, Virginia
Supervision Rates:
Contact Information
Email Address:
Additional Information:
Kansas Licensed Supervisors
Catherine Vega
States Licensed in:
Kansas, Missouri, Michigan
Supervision Rates:
Additional Information:
I have been in the field for 33 years. I have worked in all settings schools, homes, clinics, group homes, and work programs. I own a small private practice and I am billingual (Spanish and English). I am A Certified Teacher in Florida.
Contact Information
Email Address:
Karley Bledsoe
States Licensed in:
Kansas, Missouri
Supervision Rates:
Additional Information:
Specializes in parent training, feeding, and toileting.
Contact Information
Email Address:
Lauren Morgan
States Licensed in:
Kansas, Missouri
Supervision Rates:
Additional Information:
Contact Information
Email Address:
Kentucky Licensed Supervisors
Abigail Niemeier, Tag Along Behavior Consulting
States Licensed in:
Kentucky, Indiana
Supervision Rate:
Additional Information:
Contact Information
Email Address:
Dr. Aléna Barosa, Barosa Learning Lab
States Licensed in:
Kentucky, Iowa, North Carolina, Texas, Virginia
Supervision Rate:
Additional Information:
Contact Information
Email Address:
Louisiana Licensed Supervisors
Caroline Berry
States Licensed in:
Louisiana, Texas
Supervision Rates:
Additional Information:
Contact Information
Email Address:
Maryland Licensed Supervisors
Britney Smith
States Licensed in:
Maryland, North Carolina, Virginia
Supervision Rates:
$75/hour individual supervision, $45/hour group supervision, $50/hour mentorship
Additional Information:
Contact Information
Email Address:
As a neurodivergent BCBA, I offer mentorship and BACB supervision rooted in compassionate care, authenticity, and a commitment to deconstructing ableism within the field of ABA. My approach empowers future BCBAs to become ethical, competent, and well-informed professionals who lead with empathy and cultural humility. Through individualized support, collaborative learning, and real-world application, I help my supervisees build a strong foundation in developing their own clinical values and leadership skills. Come work with me!
Jenie Scheiter Nowak
States Licensed in:
Maryland, Georgia, Texas, Washington
Supervision Rates:
Additional Information:
Contact Information
Email Address:
Jenie helps frustrated and overwhelmed ABA trainees in non-Autism settings
Achieve 80% or more Unrestricted Hours with her “7 dimensions-ABA everything-OBM” approach.
Massachusetts Licensed Supervisors
Liz Elias
States Licensed in:
Massachusetts, Michigan, Virginia
Supervision Rates:
Rates are based on a values-based system; Supervision is $25-$45/hour, and mentorship is $55-$75/hour.
Contact Information
Email Address:
Additional Information:
Licensure pending in TN and AZ.
Michigan Licensed Supervisors
Carol Potter
States Licensed in:
Michigan, Minnesota
Contact Information
Email Address:
Supervision Rates:
Additional Information:
I have specialized training in feeding & sleeping issues, trauma informed behavior analysis (TIBA), how to do a functional analysis (FA), training in ACT & RFT, PFA-SBT, a range in skill assessments from the VB-MAPP to the newest ones (MOTAS & LOOP), OBM skills for supervision of others and etc. I can even teach skills of how credentialing works and how to write a detailed FBA and treatment plan that can align with what an insurance company wants for approval, how to write an appeal for a denial and etc.
Catherine Vega
States Licensed in:
Michigan, Missouri, Kansas
Contact Information
Email Address:
Supervision Rates:
Additional Information:
I have been in the field for 33 years. I have worked in all settings schools, homes, clinics, group homes, and work programs. I own a small private practice and I am billingual (Spanish and English). I am A Certified Teacher in Florida.
Liz Elias
States Licensed in:
Michigan, Massachusetts, Virginia
Contact Information
Email Address:
Supervision Rates:
Rates are based on a values-based system. Supervision is $25-$45/hour and mentorship is $55-$75/hour.
Additional Information:
Licensure pending in TN and AZ.
Success Shaping
States Licensed in:
Michigan, North Carolina, New York, Texas, Virginia, Minnesota, Oregon, New Jersey, Washington
Contact Information
Email Address:
Supervision Rates:
Sliding Scale: $150-$300/month
Additional Information:
I offer supervised fieldwork and concentrated fieldwork.
I am also registered in Canada, so I can provide supervision there, as well as hold a RBA(ONT.) and am an IBA, which allows me to provide supervision internationally as well.
I am also open to obtaining additional licensing in states where I am not already licensed.
Alena Bates
States Licensed in:
Michigan, Texas
Contact Information
Email Address:
Supervision Rates:
Additional Information:
Specializes in Education
Phimmasone Keopasert
States Licensed in:
Contact Information
Email Address:
Supervision Rates:
Additional Information:
Minnesota Licensed Supervisors
Carol Potter
Contact Information
States Licensed in:
Michigan, Minnesota
Supervision Rates:
Email Address:
Additional Information:
I have specialized training in feeding & sleeping issues, trauma informed behavior analysis (TIBA), how to do a functional analysis (FA), training in ACT & RFT, PFA-SBT, a range in skill assessments from the VB-MAPP to the newest ones (MOTAS & LOOP), OBM skills for supervision of others and etc. I can even teach skills of how credentialing works and how to write a detailed FBA and treatment plan that can align with what an insurance company wants for approval, how to write an appeal for a denial and etc.
Success Shaping
Contact Information
States Licensed in:
Michigan, Minnesota, Texas, Virginia, New York, North Carolina, Washington, Oregon, New Jersey
Supervision Rates:
Email Address:
Sliding Scale $150-$300/mo
Additional Information:
I offer supervised fieldwork and concentrated fieldwork.
I am also registered in Canada, so I can provide supervision there, as well as hold a RBA(ONT.) and am an IBA, which allows me to provide supervision internationally as well.
I am also open to obtaining additional licensing in states where I am not already licensed.
Missouri Licensed Supervisors
Catherine Vega
States Licensed in:
Missouri, Kansas, Michigan
Supervision Rates:
Additional Information:
Contact Information
Email Address:
I have been in the field for 33 years. I have worked in all settings schools, homes, clinics, group homes, and work programs. I own a small private practice and I am billingual (Spanish and English). I am A Certified Teacher in Florida.
Behavior Designs--Allison Gohring & Amber Farrar
States Licensed in:
Missouri, Virginia
Supervision Rates:
$50/hour individual; $20/hour group
Additional Information:
Contact Information
Email Address:
Specializes in school-based supervision for teachers and supervisees who have been traumatized by former supervision relationships.
Karley Bledsoe
States Licensed in:
Missouri, Kansas
Supervision Rates:
Additional Information:
Contact Information
Email Address:
Specializes in parent training, feeding, and toileting.
Lauren Morgan
States Licensed in:
Missouri, Kansas
Supervision Rates:
Additional Information:
Contact Information
Email Address:
Maggie Pavone
States Licensed in:
Supervision Rates:
Additional Information:
Contact Information
Email Address:
Specializes in sports performance & applications of ABA to wellness/ health/fitness.
Nichole Antoine, BehaveAbility
States Licensed in:
Supervision Rates:
Additional Information:
Contact Information
Email Address:
Variety of payment options available.
Nebraska Licensed Supervisors
Cathryn Swoger
Contact Information
States Licensed in:
Nebraska, New York, Arizona
Supervision Rates:
Email Address
Additional Information:
Extensive in schools and clinics from ages 4-21.
New Jersey Licensed Supervisors
Success Shaping
States Licensed in:
New Jersey, Oregon, Minnesota, Washington, North Carolina, New York, Virginia, Michigan, Texas
Contact Information
Email Address
Supervision Rates:
Sliding scale $150-$300/mo
Additional Information:
I offer supervised fieldwork and concentrated fieldwork.
I am also registered in Canada, so I can provide supervision there, as well as hold a RBA(ONT.) and am an IBA, which allows me to provide supervision internationally as well.
I am also open to obtaining additional licensing in states where I am not already licensed.
Amanda Litton
States Licensed in:
New Jersey
Contact Information
Email Address
Supervision Rates:
Additional Information:
Offering comprehensive remote BCBA supervision designed to meet your unique needs. Services include 6th Edition TCO-aligned study preparation, self-paced learning materials, and personalized support to help you succeed. Whether you’re at the beginning of your journey or changing things up partway through, this supervision program provides flexible guidance tailored to your goals.
New York Licensed Supervisors
Cathryn Swoger
States Licensed in:
Contact Information
New York, Arizona, Nebraska
Supervision Rates:
Email Address:
Additional Information:
Extensive in schools and clinics from ages 4-21.
Success Shaping
States Licensed in:
Contact Information
New York, North Carolina, Michigan, Texas, Virginia, Washington, Oregon, New Jersey, Minnesota
Supervision Rates:
Email Address:
Sliding scale $150-$300/mo
Additional Information:
I offer supervised fieldwork and concentrated fieldwork.
I am also registered in Canada, so I can provide supervision there, as well as hold a RBA(ONT.) and am an IBA, which allows me to provide supervision internationally as well.
I am also open to obtaining additional licensing in states where I am not already licensed.
Sarai Melendez
States Licensed in:
Contact Information
New York, Connecticut
Supervision Rates:
Email Address:
Additional Information:
Spectrum Education Center-Remote BCBA Supervision
States Licensed in:
Contact Information
New York, North Carolina
Supervision Rates:
Email Address:
Additional Information:
AZ licensure pending.
Lindsay Aslan
States Licensed in:
Contact Information
New York, Connecticut
Supervision Rates:
Email Address:
Additional Information:
Located in New Jersey
Tara Karen
States Licensed in:
Contact Information
New York
Supervision Rates:
Email Address:
Additional Information:
Flexible rates. Focus on compassionate care. Experience in EI, school, and insurance-based settings as well as some OBM and ACT
Anne Faraher
States Licensed in:
Contact Information
New York
Supervision Rates:
Email Address:
Additional Information:
Anne offers discounts for small cohorts for group supervision
North Carolina Licensed Supervisors
Britney Smith
States Licensed in:
Contact Information
Email Address:
North Carolina, Maryland, Virginia
Supervision Rates:
$75/hour individual supervision, $45/hour group supervision, $50/hour mentorship
Additional Information:
As a neurodivergent BCBA, I offer mentorship and BACB supervision rooted in compassionate care, authenticity, and a commitment to deconstructing ableism within the field of ABA. My approach empowers future BCBAs to become ethical, competent, and well-informed professionals who lead with empathy and cultural humility. Through individualized support, collaborative learning, and real-world application, I help my supervisees build a strong foundation in developing their own clinical values and leadership skills. Come work with me!
Brandy Brewer
States Licensed in:
Contact Information
Email Address:
North Carolina, Tennessee
Supervision Rates:
Sliding scale in order to offer affordable and accessible options.
Additional Information:
Expertise is person-centered, trauma informed, and assent-based care across mental health disorders, autism, developmental disabilities and its co-occurring disorders. Clientele experience ranges across the life span.
Spectrum Education
States Licensed in:
Contact Information
Email Address:
North Carolina, Georgia
Supervision Rates:
Additional Information:
Services Florida
Success Shaping
States Licensed in:
Contact Information
Email Address:
Michigan, New York, Texas, Virginia, Washington, Oregon, New Jersey, Minnesota
Supervision Rates:
Sliding scale $150-$300/mo
Additional Information:
I offer supervised fieldwork and concentrated fieldwork.
I am also registered in Canada, so I can provide supervision there, as well as hold a RBA(ONT.) and am an IBA, which allows me to provide supervision internationally as well.
I am also open to obtaining additional licensing in states where I am not already licensed.
Spectrum Education Center-Remote BCBA Supervision
States Licensed in:
Contact Information
Email Address:
North Carolina, New York
Supervision Rates:
Additional Information:
Jenie Scheiter Nowak
States Licensed in:
Contact Information
Email Address:
North Carolina, Georgia, Maryland, Texas, Washington
Supervision Rates:
Additional Information:
Jenie helps frustrated and overwhelmed ABA trainees in non-Autism settings
Achieve 80% or more Unrestricted Hours with her “7 dimensions-ABA everything-OBM” approach
Aléna Barosa, Barosa Learning Lab
States Licensed in:
Contact Information
Email Address:
North Carolina, Iowa, Kentucky, Virginia, Texas
Supervision Rates:
Additional Information:
Christi Wilson
States Licensed in:
Contact Information
Email Address:
North Carolina
Supervision Rates:
Additional Information:
Kirstyn Young
States Licensed in:
Contact Information
Email Address:
North Carolina, Virginia
Supervision Rates:
Additional Information:
I have experience working in school, clinics (more experience in clinic), and in home. I love to follow the VB approach, and I value ethics and integrity. I will work towards giving you the tools and information you need to feel confident as a BCBA.
Tracy Nelson
States Licensed in:
Contact Information
Email Address:
North Carolina, Oklahoma, Tennessee
Supervision Rates:
$50/hour for up to 5 hours per month; $40/hour for more than 5 hours per month.
Additional Information:
Jennifer "Casey" Gregory
States Licensed in:
Contact Information
Email Address:
North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia
Supervision Rates:
Package rates (free consultations)
Additional Information:
Ohio Licensed Supervisors
Amanda Fishley
Contact Information
States Licensed in:
Supervision Rates:
Email Address
Additional Information:
Supervisees have the opportunity to join current projects and receive free supervision.
New Heights ABA
Contact Information
States Licensed in:
Supervision Rates:
Email Address
Additional Information:
Cheyenne Cody da Rosa
Contact Information
States Licensed in:
Supervision Rates:
$55-$75/hour or packaged bundles
Email Address
Additional Information:
Cheyenne is an experienced BCBA working across settings including mental health, school-based, in-home, and clinical services as well as administrative quality assurance in ABA.

Oklahoma Licensed Supervisors
John Wesenberg
States Licensed in:
Oklahoma, Texas
Supervision Rates:
$60/hour; $75/90 minutes
Contact Information
Email Address
Additional Information:
Specializes in clinical behavior analysis for traditional mental health disorders such as anxiety related disorders, obsessive compulsive disorder and autism and its co-occurring disorders.
Holly Collinsworth
States Licensed in:
Oklahoma, Arizona, Texas
Supervision Rates:
Contact Information
Email Address
Additional Information:
Supervision also includes study prep and mentorship.
Tracy Nelson
States Licensed in:
Oklahoma, North Carolina, Tennessee
Supervision Rates:
$50/hour for up to 5 hours per month; $40/hour for more than 5 hours per month.
Contact Information
Email Address
Additional Information:
Oregon Licensed Supervisors
Success Shaping
Contact Information
States Licensed in:
Orehpm, New Jersey, Minnesota, Washington, North Carolina, New York, Virginia, Michigan, Texas
Supervision Rates:
Email Address
Additional Information:
I offer supervised fieldwork and concentrated fieldwork.
I am also registered in Canada, so I can provide supervision there, as well as hold a RBA(ONT.) and am an IBA, which allows me to provide supervision internationally as well.
I am also open to obtaining additional licensing in states where I am not already licensed.
Dr. Nirvana Kos
Contact Information
States Licensed in:
Supervision Rates:
Email Address
Additional Information:
Pennsylvania Licensed Supervisors
Jennifer Kraft
Contact Information
States Licensed in:
Email Address
Supervision Rates:
Additional Information:
Alicia Marshall
Contact Information
States Licensed in:
Email Address
Supervision Rates:
Additional Information:
South Carolina Licensed Supervisors
Stephanie Clemente
States Licensed in:
South Carolina
Contact Information
Email Address
Supervision Rates:
Additional Information:
I have been in the field of ABA since 2021. I have experience working with children ages 2-14, in clinics, in-home, daycares, as well as in schools and community settings. I can provide supervision to any state without licensure requirements. North Carolina LBA in Progress
Jennifer "Casey" Gregory
States Licensed in:
South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia
Contact Information
Email Address
Supervision Rates:
Package rates available
Additional Information:
Free consultations!
Tennessee Licensed Supervisors
Brandy Brewer
Contact Information
States Licensed in:
Tennessee, North Carolina
Supervision Rates
Sliding scale in order to offer affordable and accessible options.
Email Address
Additional Information:
Expertise is person-centered, trauma informed, and assent-based care across mental health disorders, autism, developmental disabilities and its co-occurring disorders. Clientele experience ranges across the life span.
Tracy Nelson
Contact Information
States Licensed in:
Tennessee, North Carolina, Oklahoma
Supervision Rates
$50/hour for up to 5 hours per month; $40/hour for more than 5 hours per month.
Email Address
Additional Information:
Texas Licensed Supervisors
John Wesenberg
Contact Information
States Licensed in:
Texas, Oklahoma
Email Address
Supervision Rates:
$60/hour; $75/90 minutes
Additional Information:
Specializes in clinical behavior analysis for traditional mental health disorders such as anxiety related disorders, obsessive compulsive disorder and autism and its co-occurring disorders.
Taylor Robinson
Contact Information
States Licensed in:
Email Address
Supervision Rates:
Additional Information:
Taylor is a BCBA who works in the clinic setting, with clients that range from 18 months to 17 years old. She loves to teach and help BCBAs-to-be succeed :)
Cierra Inscho
Contact Information
States Licensed in:
Email Address
Supervision Rates:
Additional Information:
Specializes in schools, clinical, sleep, and toilet training.
Ethan Brewer
Contact Information
States Licensed in:
Email Address
Supervision Rates:
Additional Information:
Willing to supervise in any state that does not require licensure unless potential trainee is willing to pay licensure fees.
Success Shaping
Contact Information
States Licensed in:
Texas, Virginia, North Carolina, Washington, Michigan, New York, Minnesota, New Jersey, Oregon
Email Address
Supervision Rates:
Sliding Scale: $150-$300/month
Additional Information:
I offer supervised fieldwork and concentrated fieldwork.
I am also registered in Canada, so I can provide supervision there, as well as hold a RBA(ONT.) and am an IBA, which allows me to provide supervision internationally as well.
I am also open to obtaining additional licensing in states where I am not already licensed.
Alon Encalade
Contact Information
States Licensed in:
Texas, Virginia
Email Address
Supervision Rates:
Additional Information:
Nabela Devine
Contact Information
States Licensed in:
Email Address
Supervision Rates:
Additional Information:
Caroline Berry
Contact Information
States Licensed in:
Texas, Louisiana
Email Address
Supervision Rates:
Additional Information:
Behavior Analyst Supervision Services
Contact Information
States Licensed in:
Email Address
Supervision Rates:
Additional Information:
Alena Bates
Contact Information
States Licensed in:
Texas, Michigan
Email Address
Supervision Rates:
Additional Information:
Specializes in Education
Holly Collinsworth
Contact Information
States Licensed in:
Texas, Arizona, Oklahoma
Email Address
Supervision Rates:
Additional Information:
Supervision includes study prep and mentorship.
Grace Luna
Contact Information
States Licensed in:
Texas, Virginia
Email Address
Supervision Rates:
Additional Information:
Experience with 0-26yr olds, home-based, school, and center.
Virginia Licensed Supervisors
Britney Smith
Contact Information
States Licensed in:
Virginia, Maryland, North Carolina
Email Address
Supervision Rates:
$75/hour individual supervision, $45/hour group supervision, $50/hour mentorship
Additional Information:
As a neurodivergent BCBA, I offer mentorship and BACB supervision rooted in compassionate care, authenticity, and a commitment to deconstructing ableism within the field of ABA. My approach empowers future BCBAs to become ethical, competent, and well-informed professionals who lead with empathy and cultural humility. Through individualized support, collaborative learning, and real-world application, I help my supervisees build a strong foundation in developing their own clinical values and leadership skills. Come work with me!
Behavior Designs--Allison Gohring & Amber Farrar
Contact Information
States Licensed in:
Virginia, Missouri
Email Address
Supervision Rates:
$50/hour individual; $20/hour group
Additional Information:
Oklahoma licensure pending. Specializes in school-based supervision for teachers and supervisees who have been traumatized by former supervision relationships.
Louise Davis
Contact Information
States Licensed in:
Email Address
Supervision Rates:
Additional Information:
Liz Elias
Contact Information
States Licensed in:
Virginia, Michigan, Massachusetts
Email Address
Supervision Rates:
Rates are based on a values-based system; Supervision is $25-$45/hour, and mentorship is $55-$75/hour.
Additional Information:
Licensure pending in TN and AZ.
Success Shaping
Contact Information
States Licensed in:
Virginia, Texas, North Carolina, Washington, Michigan, New York, Oregon, New Jersey, Minnesota
Email Address
Supervision Rates:
Sliding scale $150-$300/month
Additional Information:
I offer supervised fieldwork and concentrated fieldwork.
I am also registered in Canada, so I can provide supervision there, as well as hold a RBA(ONT.) and am an IBA, which allows me to provide supervision internationally as well.
I am also open to obtaining additional licensing in states where I am not already licensed.
Christine Barthold
Contact Information
States Licensed in:
Virginia, Maryland, New Mexico, Delaware
Email Address
Supervision Rates:
Additional Information:
Specializes in severe problem behavior, school settings, and health and fitness coaching.
Alon Encalade
Contact Information
States Licensed in:
Virginia, Texas
Email Address
Supervision Rates:
Additional Information:
Rossy Perez
Contact Information
States Licensed in:
Email Address
Supervision Rates:
Additional Information:
Monthly bundles available
Rebecca Gonzales & Sara Lalani, G & L Behavior Solutions
Contact Information
States Licensed in:
Email Address
Supervision Rates:
Additional Information:
Specializing in OBM-based supervision with experience in schools (general education and special education), homes, and clinics.
Grace Luna
Contact Information
States Licensed in:
Virginia, Texas
Email Address
Supervision Rates:
Additional Information:
Experience with 0-26yr olds, home-based, school, and center
Cheyenne Cody da Rosa
Contact Information
States Licensed in:
Virginia, Arizona, Ohio, Texas
Email Address
Supervision Rates:
Additional Information:
Cheyenne is an experienced BCBA working across settings including mental health, school-based, in-home, and clinical services as well as administrative quality assurance in ABA.
Dr. Aléna Barosa, Barosa Learning Lab
Contact Information
States Licensed in:
Virginia, North Carolina, Kentucky, Iowa
Email Address
Supervision Rates:
Additional Information:
Washington Licensed Supervisors
Success Shaping
Contact Information
States Licensed in:
Washington, Virginia, North Carolina, Texas, Michigan, New York, Oregon, New Jersey, Minnesota
Email Address
Supervision Rates:
Sliding Scale $150-$300/mo
Additional Information:
I offer supervised fieldwork and concentrated fieldwork.
I am also registered in Canada, so I can provide supervision there, as well as hold a RBA(ONT.) and am an IBA, which allows me to provide supervision internationally as well.
I am also open to obtaining additional licensing in states where I am not already licensed.
Jenie Scheiter Nowak
Contact Information
States Licensed in:
Washington, Texas, North Carolina, Maryland, Georgia
Email Address
Supervision Rates:
Additional Information:
Jenie helps frustrated and overwhelmed ABA trainees in non-Autism settings
Achieve 80% or more Unrestricted Hours with her “7 dimensions-ABA everything-OBM” approach
Wisconsin Licensed Supervisors
Suzanne Juzwik
Contact Information
States Licensed in:
Supervision Rates:
Email Address
Additional Information:
20+ years in the field--autism therapy, birth to three, EIBI, parent training, advocacy, natural environment teaching, school consultation, OBM, and health and wellness.
Supervisors in States That Do Not Have Licensure Laws
Carlos Pérez Sánchez
Contact Information
Supervision Rates:
Email Address
$40/hour (discount for group hours)
Additional Information:
BCBA providing services in Spain
Languages Spoken: Spanish & English
Practice Areas: Verbal Behavior (VB), Independt Living Skills, Data & Graphing, Behavioral Skill Training (BST), Functional Analysis (FA), Alternative Communication Systems (AAC)
Target Population:
- Diagnosis: Autism and Learning Disabilities
- Age Groups: Early Intervention, Adolescents and Young Adults
Yulema Cruz, PhD, BCBA-D
Contact Information
Supervision Rates:
Email Address
Additional Information:
I am a Board Certified Behavior Analyst-Doctoral with over 23 years of experience in the field specializing in skill acquisition and behavior reduction programming, as well as the supervision of behavior analysts, behavior technicians, and trainees.
I served as the president of the Florida Association for Behavior Analysis from 2019-2021, as well as an assistant teaching professor at Rutgers University and the Practicum Coordinator for the Department of Applied Psychology from 2021-2024. Presently, I am an Adjunct Faculty at Ouachita Baptist University and the founder of Monty Behavior Consultants, LLC. As an ABA consultant and supervisor, I work in the development of supervision systems, and the dissemination of ABA to other countries and languages. In fact, I have taught courses in Spanish as an adjunct for UNIBE, in the Dominican Republic and currently provide high quality, competency-based supervision in Spanish.
I co-authored The ABA Supervision Handbook: A Guide to Quality Fieldwork Experience, first and second editions, as well as The Consulting Supervisor Handbook: Helping Newly Certified BCBAs Navigate Supervision. As part of the international, I have provided ethical advice in the area of supervision since 2018. I am also a public speaker and have presented at over 40 venues worldwide including South America and Europe.
Terrence Bryant
Contact Information
Supervision Rates:
Email Address
Additional Information:
Located In Florida
Janeissy Fernandez
Contact Information
Supervision Rates:
Email Address
Additional Information:
Jenika Karnik
Contact Information
Supervision Rates:
Email Address
Additional Information:
Located in California
Lynn Galliano
Contact Information
Supervision Rates:
Email Address
Additional Information:
Located in California
Align Family Solutions
Contact Information
Supervision Rates:
Email Address
Additional Information:
Located in California
Makenzie Worthington
Contact Information
Supervision Rates:
Email Address
Additional Information:
Located in Florida.
Monthly bundles available
Savannah Bleiler
Contact Information
Supervision Rates:
Email Address
Additional Information:
Located in Florida
Stacey Kerwin
Contact Information
Supervision Rates:
Email Address
Additional Information:
Located in Illinois.
Bundle rates: $240/mo for maximum supervision hours; $475/mo for maximum concentrated hours
Best Practices Behavior and Support, LLC
Contact Information
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Located in Illinois.
Samantha Butler, Visions LLC
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Located in Illinois
Julie Aiello
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Located in Illinois.
Monthly packages are available.
Noha Hasan
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Located in Illinois-Willing to do remote or in-person within 30-mile radius of 60467.
Also offers tutoring. $40/month tutoring for the BCaBA and BCBA exams. $30/hour tutoring for the RBT exam.
Rachel Meredith
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Located in Illinois
Christina Torres
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Offers mentorship
Meghan Edwards
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Offers mentorship for school-based BCBAs
Kelly Miller
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School-based remote supervision
Colin Levesque
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Located in the Philippines.
Samantha Chandler
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Located in the UK.
Competencies in the areas of education, adult social care, residential settings, children in social care, and trauma.
National Supervision Companies
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Rates dependent on school affiliation; Discounts available with partnering schools.
Strive Behavior Consulting Services
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BCBA supervisors licensed in AZ, VA, HI, TX, MO, KY, and NV.
ABA Supervise & Learn
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Available in every state except AZ. Rates depend on exam and school affiliation.
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