Registered Behavior Technicians (RBTs) are the backbone of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) therapy programs. As a critical component of the delivery of ABA services, RBTs must take precautions to maintain their RBT certification and achieve compliance with the Behavior Analyst Certification Board (BACB).
If you’re an RBT, or even a BCBA, RBT Requirements Coordinator, or ABA employer, this article is for you. We will explore:
BACB requirements for RBT maintenance
Upcoming changes
Steps to take to ensure compliance.
Frequently asked questions
Significance of RBT Certification Maintenance
The BACB requires specific steps to maintain RBT certification. Failure to comply with these requirements can place your RBT certification in jeopardy. If you don't renew by the expiration date, your certification will lapse, and you will no longer be able to work as a Registered Behavior Technician. You would need to begin the steps to become an RBT all over again.
RBT Certification Maintenance Requirements
To maintain your RBT certification, you must meet the following requirements:
Receive ongoing supervision at least 2x per month (at least one of those must be with a client) for a minimum of 5% of your total hours
Adhere to the RBT Ethics Code
Adhere to Self-Reporting requirements, if applicable
Complete an annual Competency Assessment with your BCBA
Complete an application for renewal
Submit a renewal fee to the BACB ($35)
RBT Ongoing Supervisor Requirements
Your supervisor must be one of the following:
A BCBA with an active, valid certification
A BCaBA with an active, valid certification, OR
Someone who is licensed in another behavioral health profession, that has applied behavior analysis in its legislative scope of practice and is competent in applied behavior analysis. (This is much less common and requires approval by the BACB. In 2026, non-certified supervisors will no longer be allowed)
Your supervisor must add you as a supervisee in their BACB gateway account. This is important—In the event of an audit, the BACB would audit those who are listed as supervisors, so supervisors and trainees should ensure that it is always up-to-date and accurate.
Tips for Maintaining RBT Certification
Follow these tips to ensure you maintain your certification without lapse or compliance issues.
Keep your BACB account up-to-date. First, don't use a work or school email address to manage your BACB account! Always use a personal account that you have consistent access to. Nobody else needs to or should have access to your BACB gateway. You should manage this yourself. Also, be sure to keep it up-to-date at all times. If you have a change to address, phone number, name, or any other pertinent information, update those details with the BACB.
Maintain supervision documentation. This is really important—you must maintain logs of your RBT and supervision hours. You don't need to turn these in to renew your certification. However, the BACB will require you to submit proof of compliance if you are audited. This means you will need to provide a log that includes:
Days and times you provided behavior-analytic services
Dates and duration of supervision
Format of supervision (e.g., one-on-one, group)
Dates of direct observations of you working with a client
Names of supervisors who provided supervision
If you are missing documentation, there are discrepancies in your records compared to your supervisor's, or your records show you didn't meet the minimum requirements, the BACB may issue disciplinary action, including the potential to revoke your certification. Don't risk your certification. Maintain your own, accurate supervision records. Don't rely on your supervisor or organization to maintain these records for you. Keep your records for at least 7 years.
Plan ahead.
If your certification expiration is coming up soon, begin discussing it with your supervisor so they can plan a time to complete the competency assessment. Don't wait until the last minute!
Upcoming Changes to RBT Certification Renewal & Maintenance
Changes to RBT renewals are right around the corner. In 2026, the BACB will change the certification cycle to two years instead of the current one-year cycle. This means RBTs will begin completing renewal applications every two years rather than every year.
In addition, there will no longer be renewal competency assessments in 2026. Instead, the BACB has replaced that requirement with continuing education. RBTs will need to complete 12 hours of professional development every 2 years to maintain their certification. Ongoing RBT supervision, client-specific training, and supervised BCBA/BCaBA fieldwork will not count toward these hours.
There will be no changes to the current ongoing supervision requirements. RBTs will still need to be supervised for 5% of their monthly hours.
Frequently Asked Questions
When can I renew my certification?
The application to renew your RBT certification is available 45 days before the expiration date. You cannot complete a renewal competency assessment or the application prior to this date.
Is there a grace period for RBT certification renewal?
There is a 30-day reinstatement period, where you can submit your application late without losing your certification. However, there is a $50 late fee.
How much does it cost to renew an RBT certification?
It costs $35 to renew RBT certification. In 2026, this cost will change to $50 every two years.
If an RBT works for two different companies, can the supervisors split the supervision responsibilities?
No! If you work for two or more companies, you must meet the ongoing supervision requirements in both settings. They cannot split those responsibilities. For example, if you work 50 hours per month at Company A and 50 hours per month at Company B, your supervisor at Company A would need to supervise you at least 2x/month for a minimum of 2.5 hours and your supervisor at Company B would also need to supervise you 2x/month for 2.5+ hours.
Do I Need to Retake the 40-Hour RBT Course if My Certification Expires?
Not necessarily! If your RBT certification expires because you did not complete the recertification process, you will need to complete a new background check, competency assessment, and take the RBT exam. However, if the RBT course you took was based on the current task list, you do NOT have to retake the 40-hour training! Currently, the RBT exam is based on the 2nd Edition Task List, so your 40-hour certificate would need to have been based on this task list. Keep in mind, a new, 3rd Edition Test Content Outline (formerly known as Task List) will be introduced in January 2026.
How long does the BACB take to process applications?
Most applications are processed within 2 weeks—usually even less. You can see current application processing times here.
Where Can I Find an RBT Position?
If you're on the hunt for a new RBT job, explore opportunities on the ABA Job Board! This ABA-specific job board features positions for ABA professionals, from Behavior Techs and Registered Behavior Techs to Behavior Analysts and admin roles.