The BACB is introducing several new changes in 2026. One change is the shift from the 2nd Edition RBT Task List to the 3rd Edition Task Content Outline (TCO). But what does this mean for aspiring behavior technicians and BCBA supervisors? Let's explore what this new TCO will encompass.
What is Changing from RBT Task List (2nd Edition) to Test Content Outline (3rd Edition)
Don't worry just yet—the changes to the RBT task list/test content outline will not be a complete overhaul! They are overall minor changes. Here are the modifications you can expect.
Task List Name Change
The most obvious of the changes is the name. The BACB is changing the term "Task List" to "Test Content Outline" for RBT, BCBA, and BCaBA exams.
Minor Changes to Domain Names
Four domain names are also changing, although these are minor changes. These changes do not represent significant transformations to the content in each domain.
The domains that are changing include:
Domain A will change from Measurement to Data Collection and Graphing
Domain B will change from Assessment to Behavior Assessment
Domain C will change from Skill acquisition to Behavior Acquisition
Domain F will change from Professional Conduct and Scope of Practice to Ethics
New Tasks Added
The 3rd Edition Task Content Outline will have eight new tasks, which include:
A.6: Calculate and summarize data in different ways (e.g., rate, mean duration, percentage).
A.7: Identify trends in graphed data.
A.8: Describe the risks with unreliable data collection and poor procedural fidelity.
D.5: Implement positive and negative punishment procedures (e.g., time-out).
D.6: Describe secondary effects of extinction (e.g., extinction burst, response variation, resurgence, emotional responding) and punishment (e.g., emotional responses, escape and avoidance).
F.1: Identify and apply core principles underlying the BACB’s ethics code for RBT certificants (e.g., benefit others; treat others with compassion, dignity, and respect; behave with integrity).
F.8: Adhere to the gift giving and receiving guidelines provided by the BACB’s ethics code for RBT certificants.
F.10: Engage in ongoing cultural humility and responsiveness (e.g., identify personal biases) in service delivery and professional relationships.
Tasks Removed, Revised, and/or Expanded
Four tasks were removed from the RBT task list. The following 2nd edition TL items will not be in the 3rd edition TCO.
A.1: Prepare for data collection
C.1: Identify the essential components of a written skill acquisition plan.
D.1: Identify essential components of a written behavior reduction plan.
E.5: Comply with applicable legal, regulatory, and workplace data collection, storage, transportation, and documentation requirements.
In addition, 4 tasks were revised to include additional responsibilities and 2 tasks were expanded into 4 tasks. These were all relatively minor shifts.
Minor Changes to Wording of Tasks
There are some changes to the wording of tasks. These do not change the content of the task but rather add clarity. For example, instead of E.2, "Actively seek clinical direction from supervisor in a timely manner," the TCO 3 states, "Seek and prioritize clinical direction from a supervisor in a timely manner (e.g., training needs, data irregularities, following chain of command)."
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Overall Changes from Task List 2 to the RBT Test Content Outline 3
Overall, the changes to the RBT Test Content Outline 3 are modest and do not represent overarching shifts to the content of the RBT exam. There are now 43 total tasks, six more than the previous task list. Domains A, B, and D will represent a slightly larger portion of the exam, with 1-2 more questions from each domain. Domain C, which previously encompassed 32% of the exam, will have five fewer questions, now encompassing 25% of the exam.

What is Not Changing in the RBT Test Content Outline (3rd Edition)
As outlined, the changes to the task list are relatively minor, so many things are not changing in 2026. Some of the things that are staying the same include:
The number of exam questions (75 questions + 10 pilot questions)
The number of domains (6)
The general content and concepts of each domain
The format of the exam
Frequently Asked Questions about the RBT Task List Changes
When will the 3rd Edition RBT Test Content Outline begin?
All RBT exams will be based on the 3rd Edition TCO as of January 1st, 2026.
What are the major changes to the RBT Test Content Outline (formerly Task List)?
The main changes to the RBT Test Content Outline include the addition of 8 tasks, the removal of 4 tasks, changes to the names of domains and task list items, and a shift in the Ethics section to include specific tasks.
Does the new task list impact current RBTs?
There is no impact on current RBTs. As long as you maintain your RBT certification, you do not need to test on the 3rd edition test content outline.
How does the new TCO affect the RBT training course?
With the new test content outline, the BACB issued a 2026 40-hour training requirements and curriculum outline that covers the new requirements. 40-hour courses will need to be based on this outline moving forward.
Will the exam format change?
No, the exam format will stay the same.
How does this change the RBT Competency Assessment?
The Initial Competency Assessment will have three changes:
Removal of the "stimulus control transfer" task
Removal of the "interview" assessment option in the Measurement section
Addition of an "interview" option to the crisis/emergency task
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